Please send your travel receipts (original, no copy)
including your bank account details to:

Universitätsklinikum Essen
Klinik für Neurologie
PD Dr. med. Tim Hagenacker
Hufelandstr. 55
45147 Essen, Germany


Researchers can be awarded a travel grant for a presentation of own results (Poster or oral presentation) on a scientific congress/meeting in Europe. A travel grant can be awarded for MD and PhD students as well as postdoctoral researchers.

For application please send:

  • CV incl. publication list
  • Congress abstract
  • Calculation of travel/meeting costs

Support for national meetings amounts to 500 euros.
Support for international meetings amounts to 1500 euros.


Every grant holder must submit after the congress:

  • A short report (one page) on the scientific and personal benefit of the congress and result presentation, signed by the awardee, about 2 months after returning home.
  • Reprints of the congress abstract. Funding by Neurowind e.V. should be mentioned in the acknowledgement section in case of publication.


Researchers can be awarded a publication grant for original articles in peer-reviewed and open-access journals in the field of neuroscience.

A publication grant can be awarded for MD and PhD students as well as postdoctoral researchers. The grant should cover the publication fee partially or complete. Costs for offprints will not be covered.

For application please send:

  • CV incl. publication list
  • Submitted article incl. letter of acceptance
  • Journal receipt

Support for publications costs amounts to 500 euros.

Every grant holder must submit after the congress:

  • Funding by Neurowind e.V. should be mentioned in the acknowledgement section in case of publication.