NEUROWIND is a German non-profit association supporting young neuroscientists. The overarching aim of NEUROWIND is to promote their work and careers by providing financial support and an interdisciplinary and interactive platform to gather and disseminate novel data and facts in the field of clinical and basic neurosciences. NEUROWIND focuses on three main topics: (1) cerebrovascular, (2) neuroinflammatory, and (3) neurodegenerative disorders. However, despite the constantly increasing knowledge on the pathophysiology of these disorders successful translation into clinical practice is sparse. Consequently, NEUROWIND especially supports translational research approaches from bench to bedside and vice versa. The translational process will be particularly fertilized by merging basic pathological and therapeutic concepts from different neurological disease models. Thereby, NEUROWIND will overcome artificial barriers of medical subspecialties creating a unique network of young neuroscientists. The different expertises will create new ways of thinking paving the way for innovative ideas to solve the central questions in neuroscience.
NEUROWIND e.V. was founded in 2009 by 5 neuroscientists working mainly in the fields of stroke and multiple sclerosis:
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Kleinschitz, University of Essen
Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Linker, University of Regensburg
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Korn, Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. med. Tim Magnus, University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Sven G. Meuth, University of Muenster
The intention was to provide a novel, independent format for exchanging ideas and concepts between young neuroscientists in Germany. The main focus was therefore to organize a yearly meeting in a Motzen, Brandenburg near Berlin, which would open with a key note lecture of an established neuroscientist on Friday. Thereafter, the rest of the weekend was established to provide a platform for the next generation of neuroscientists (doctoral students or early postdocs). The second pillar of promoting young colleagues was a yearly award for the best/visionary publication.
With NEUROWIND being a charitable, non-profit association (“gemeinnütziger Verein”), we are supported by donations, but are completely independent in how to achieve our goal to promote young neuroscientific research. After 8 successful years, the founding members passed on the baton to the current team who continues and develops the philosophy of NEUROWIND.